Krypton OutlookGrid

Group, sort and watch !

Custom open-source datagridview with multi-grouping and multi-sorting capabilities for C# Winforms.

Krypton OutlookGrid

Krypton OutlookGrid is a customized version of the .NET Winforms DataGridView (C#) that allows multi-grouping and multi-sorting. It comes with a TreeGrid mode and additional custom columns

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Release : 1.6.1

Main features

(Nested) Grouping

You can group any column you want. You can also make nested grouping (up to all columns).

Group by :

  • Using drag and drop on column headers
  • Using built-in context menus
  • Directly from your code

(Nested) Sorting

You can sort any groups and any other columns.

Sort by :

  • Clicking on the column (hold Shift key to add/change sort; hold Ctrl key to remove only this column from sorting)
  • Directly from your code

TreeGrid mode

Krypton OutlookGrid can also be used as tree grid, keeping all its functionnalities. So yes, you can have group and treenodes together in the same component.

Unlimited node recursion.

Special Columns

Krypton OutlookGrid features several columns that do not exist in the vanilla Datagridview :

  • Progress column
  • Rating column
  • Text and Image column
  • Token column

Conditional Formatting

Krypton OutlookGrid features conditional formatting types :

  • Bar (gradient or solid fill)
  • EZ
  • 3-color scale

It can be configured by code or by the user himself by using a built-in context menu.


Krypton OutlookGrid offers relatively good performance, depending to the total number of rows, groups, sorts,...

In the sample included 'SandBox', there are 2100+ rows. Group 1 column (Country) takes around 77 ms.
Just test yourself !

but wait...

There’s more !



Krypton OutlookGrid is an open-source project, a gift to the dev community. Licensed under MS-PL License.
Hosted on Github



Entirely translated in English and French


Krypton style

Krypton OutlookGrid uses and integrates seamlessly with Krypton components ComponentFactory*.

* Winforms Krypton Components Suite from ComponentFactory is now open source. The grid presented here is based on these components. A modified version ( for the needs of the grid) with some improvements is available here.
